Articles of interest
Posted on Mon 13 July 2020 in Reading
Erik M. Bruvik, Ilker Fer, Kjetil Våge, and Peter M. Haugan - A revised ocean glider concept to realize Stommel’s vision and supplement Argo floats
Annie P. S. Wong et. al. 20 years of ARGO. Great overview with tech details, error sources and more
Wenbo Wu, Zhongwen Zhan1, Shirui Peng, Sidao Ni, Jörn Callies Hearing the heat - Seismic ocean thermometry (paywalled)
Fabio Crameri - The Rainbow Colour Map (repeatedly) considered harmful
Joseph Gum - Reproducible Science
Ocean best practices - EGO netCDF version 1.3 glider data standardised format
Milan Klöwer, Debbie Hopkins, Myles Allen & James Higham - An analysis of ways to decarbonize conference travel after COVID-19
Academic software
Wilkinson et al - The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
Ryan Abernathey - The scientific paper is outdated (paywalled, free account sign up)
James Somers - The Scientific Paper Is Obsolete
Mike Jackson - How to cite academic software
Ryan Abernathy - Organising projects for reproducibility
Philip Grylls - The complicated relationship between early career researchers and reproducible research
Erini Zormpa - How to publish FAIR research outputs
Academic Publishing
George Monbiot - Academic publishers are wealth extracting monopolists
George Monbiot - Honourable theft (on sci-hub)
Jonathan P Tennant - Time to stop the exploitation of free academic labour
James Heathers - Demand pay for reviewing papers for profit making publishers
Bjorn Brembs - Academic publishers vs scihub. Suggested installation of spyware on university library servers
Daniel Engber - The Business-School Scandal That Just Keeps Getting Bigger
Daniel Oberhaus - Succint history of free software vs open source
Leon Bilton - How to not hate LaTeX
The web
From Jaon - Where have all the websites gone?
Tim Barry - Just Too Efficient
David Graeber - Bullshit Jobs
Rewilding and land rights
George Monbiot - Rewilding Manifesto
Mark Cocker - The need for more publicly accessible green space
WildEast in East Anglia - Set aside a fifth of land for nature + credit and reward nature friendly farming
Ben Macdonald - On restoring grouse moors, economic and patrimonial argument
Edward Snowden - How to reclaim your privacy
Books that have affected my world view
Callum Roberts - The Unnaturaul History of the Sea
Ian Urbina - The Outlaw Ocean
George Monbiot - Feral
Isabella Tree - Wilding
Aldo Leopold - Sand County Almanac
Nick Hayes - The Book of Trespass
David Graeber - Debt: The First 5000 Years
Josh Ryan-Collins - Why You Can't Afford a Home
Vincent Bevins - The Jakarta Method
Edward Snowden - Permanent Record
Cory Doctorow - Little Brother
Kevin Mitnic - The Art of Invisibility
Some great authors
Neal Stephenson, Iain (M) Banks, Cory Doctorow, Becky Chambers
Academics' websites I enjoy
The more poorly formatted the website, the better the quality of ideas.
Good blogs
Sites I visit when I Should Be Writing
Existential comics a good intro to various schools of philosophy
Bruce Schneier facts crypto jokes
what the commit spice up your git commits by pulling a random message from here
Blog posts I should write
- What I love and loathe about living in Sweden
- Some more focused tech stuff - the tools I use for commonly encountered problems in my field
- What a scientist should do with software
- My dalliances with effective altruism, and whether I should revisit it
- Climate anxiety/guilt
- Takes on efficiency culture. The tensions between excessive self optimisation and apathy
- Nostalgia for the early net. Something I never experienced